Friday, October 17, 2014


It is always nice to be asked to share your experiences with other people - even nicer when you are being asked by professionals so I was really honoured to be invited to a third adoption preparation course to share my experiences with a group of prospective adopters.

It was a nice audience (mostly), nicer than the last one (who were either terrified or shy and really didn't want to interact).

I always try to be as open and honest as possible, I know that for some it is harder when the social workers are listening in especially when you are negative about something but I would hope that everyone doing something as important as adopting will get lots of different opinions and experiences and then make their own minds up as they experience the process first hand.

It is weird the way conversations develop - the first group that I talked to were really focused on how the children coped with their adoption, their contact with siblings and attachment, the second were much more focused on the application process. This group were all over the place and wanted information on allsorts from the children's attachment to the application process through introductions and everything else.

It would be nice to be invited back, time will tell but I do hope that in sharing my experiences I can help others to prepare for the hard work ahead of them as well as the joy that it can bring. 

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