Saturday, June 14, 2014

School Photographs

I never really thought about it before but this week we had to decline oldest from being pictured on the preschool leavers photo. When I thought about school photos I figured that the children were photographed and their parents/carers could purchase these for their own enjoyment. Class photos never really crossed my mind.

I had to decline his participation in this photo because I have no idea where it will end up. It could go on countless living room mantle pieces. It might even end up on social media sites like Facebook. It will contain identifying information such as his surname, the preschool he attends and ultimately a way to locate him. To protect the identity and location of my child his image can not be 'put out there' in that fashion. He is paramount to my choice. Yet I still feel awful. He will have no record of the children he went to preschool with, especially those going on to different primary schools. His friends of today will not see him when they look back at their class photograph. The school will not see his face in that class line up to remember. I also hate having to exclude him from the things that all his friends and peers are doing because he has a different start in life.

I hope that next year will be different. His physical appearance might have changed enough for him to be included although the remaining risk factors will remain.

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