Thursday, July 30, 2015

Rules of Survival - Supermarket Sweep

1) Do it on your own!

Seriously, whatever you need to do whether it be going after they are in bed, getting a babysitter or leaving them with your other half in the car (with the windows open, obviously) do it!

2) If you can't do it on your own consider whether they fit in the trolley! Having both running around whilst I am trying to gather enough sustenance for the next meal is much harder than having one sat in the trolley where it can't run off and where the trolley can be parked so nothing can be reached. Once the critical age is reached and they can not longer be squeezed into the trolley extra arms are needed to push the

3) Have a list - have a list for everyone including yourself. Limit your list to the essentials. it is not the time for browsing.

4) At the check out your attention is always elsewhere - packing the shopping, paying for shopping and being pleasant to the check out operator. I have yet to come up with a solution here except when there is an extra person - that means 1 for the shopping and the other for the kids.

5) Once you get home find something that will entertain the kids whilst you put the essentials away. By essentials I mean those items that have to go in the fridge or freezer, everything else can stay in the bags on the kitchen side until later.

I mean it - do it on your own! I had chance a few days ago and it was almost heavenly.

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