Tuesday, August 4, 2015

We're all going on our summer holidays,

We're all going on our summer holidays,

no more worries for a week or 2.

fun and laughter on our summer holidays

where all our dreams come true.


We are so close to our holiday that the cases are out and there are things in them. Not so near as printing boarding passes but slowly getting there. I am realty excited and we were doing really well until last night when smallest decided that she is now afraid of the dark. Bummer.

It came to that time - that time where I said pyjamas. The fuss started. From refusal to change, go to the toilet, brush her teeth and have a wash. I managed the bribe my way through these with stories - audio and read by me. Once all that was completed and it was time for kisses and cuddles before sleep she went bonkers. Crying, screaming, chasing us when we tried to leave the room, begging to sleep with us, for the lights to be on, for us to move her bed - she tried everything. We tried to, gently, return her to bed each time but after 40 minutes of disturbing youngest I placed her back in bed and sat on her bedroom floor with my back to her. She calmed down. Until I tried to move when her eyes popped open and the crying started again. Eventually she calmed enough to allow me to sit just outside her door with the door open. After a little while of this I tried to pull her door to. Big mistake and we started again. After nearly 2 hours she did go to sleep.

But only for a little while. Around 11pm she climbed into bed with us. We returned her a few times, took her to the toilet. we even tried to get her to settle with us but nothing worked. The next screaming fit was for a drink - water found she wanted juice. She settled for about 5 minutes and then had a paddy because we had removed the half full glass from her room. It felt like hours later she went back to sleep. It might only have been 30 minutes.

I am not sure how I am going to manage bed time tonight - I can not feel anything but absolute dread in case last night is repeated. I can plan the same calm down activities we always do before bed, stories, kisses and cuddles and the usual routine. I then have options. I can leave her door open. I tend to pull it to because she sings and keeps oldest awake. I could put a night light on in her bed room. I really don't want to get her into the habit that she needs someone in the room before she can sleep but letting her get distressed is not the answer either. My other option is to leave the curtains open a little bit more and hoping that the morning sunlight will not wake her too early.

I am hoping that this is just a phase and that she will grow out of it.

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