Friday, September 18, 2015


I love to read, books are a world where I can send myself to escape reality and forget my cares for a little while. My preference is for fantasy and science fiction but I do enjoy historical fiction as well. I have dabbled elsewhere and will have a go at pretty much anything once. I would like it if my children could learn my love of books but at the moment I am finding that school are not as supportive as I would like.

We were told, when oldest started school, that his book would be changed twice a week. It is not. He gets a new book once a week. he will read his new book lovely for the first 3 days and then after he is bored. I get it - I wouldn't read the same book twice without reading something else in the middle so would never do it 4 times in 4 days. I asked the school to change his book more often and was told that they don't have time. I was also told that he could read one of his own books. I get that - he has a lot of books and the teacher's time is not infinite. I like to read to him (I try to read to them both daily) but I am not a teacher and I am scared that in choosing on his own books that, if I pick the wrong one or something too difficult I will put him off.

Now I have a second child in the same school and, over 2 weeks in, she still doesn't have a school book to bring home. She has been asking since day 1 to read her book as her older brother does so we have been choosing a book and she has been using the pictures to tell me the story with the odd attempt at basic words (she has her letters sorted). It is hard to see that the school struggles to find time to change reading books, I can imagine resources are limited and time is precious.

We are also experimented with books in different formats. Books on paper are wonderful but both children really enjoy audio books and for in the car they are amazing! We have already listened to the Hobbit over the summer, just a little bit at a time. I found a couple more on Amazon and have saved them for Christmas presents. I have also loaded the Kindle app onto the tablet that my oldest uses and tried to load some child friendly books, they are all a bit hard for him to read himself at the moment and the ones that I have chosen lack pictures so I am hoping he will enjoy these more when he is older and a more confident reader.

For my next read I doubt I have picked a literary classic but hopefully it will keep me quiet for a little bit. Once the children are asleep.

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