Friday, August 17, 2012

Report Complete

Our PAR (Prospective Adopters Report) is complete.

Submitted yesterday it is absolutely huge, a complete epic. Over 100 pages of information about us, our relationships, our histories, our lives and our potential future. It also includes our family trees, support maps, financial assessments, preparation course report, second opinion visit report and our comments. The only bit we don't get to see if the references people have written and the report of the reference visits that were undertaken.

The best bits are how accurate a reflection it is of us both as individuals and as a couple as well as how much of our homework assignments have been included as direct quotes. I am really hoping it makes us more than just a report for the panel who must see lots of them. Plus moving forwards this is the report that the social workers for prospective children will see.

It feels so very strange to write that as it feels like we have been waiting forever for it. I know that is an over reaction as really it has only been 12 weeks since our last visit - the 24 May. Wow, that is longer than I thought. This wait has been frustrating especially knowing that other couples are ahead of us and that is just down to how organised their social worker is. Regardless we are here now, our social worker's manager is happy with the report and it has been submitted. Now the wait is for the panel.

2 weeks and 3 days . . . . .

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