Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Difficult Questions

Our report is almost written and later this week we have our second opinion visit but today I received an email from our social worker asking questions that I never thought I would have to answer.

What provision will be made for the children in the event that my husband and I separate or if we were to die?

I never thought we would have to decide these things before children were even a part of our lives but I guess we need to prove to social services that not only we are serious but that we have the children at the heart or every choice we make - that and the provision for their care should the very worst happen.

Answering these questions today has reminded me how unsure the future is. We have no plans to separate. We have no plans not to live to a ripe old age. But no one knows what is around the next corner. It does make me wonder how many people who have birth children ask and answer these questions first.

In other news I spent Sunday in Ikea with my mum, my aunt and my cousin's 3 year old daughter. It was a lovely reminder of the rewards that children come with, one day I hope to take my children to Ikea to play on the toys and to tell them off for putting random items in the trolleys of anyone and everyone passing by.

1 comment:

  1. I think because our families live so far away, we might be unusual, but we explored this in detail before we fell pregnant and made some tough decisions, which are now in our will.

    So it's not just you, I do agree that we're probably in the minority though.
