Tuesday, May 12, 2015


This last weeks we have looked at both smalls and realised, they are not that small any more. They have grown. Massively.

It is actually scary by how much -

In clothes:
Oldest - was in age 3-4 now wearing age 6-7 (and a 7-8 T-shirt is not ridiculous).
Youngest - was in age 18-24 months is now 4-5 comfortably.

They are both out of their stage 1-2-3 car seats (complete with 5 point harness). Oldest is on his boaster cushion and youngest has a high backed boaster cushion. Neither need a boaster seat to sit to the table for meals and they are remarkable self sufficient from getting dressed and undressed, going to the toilet and brushing their teeth. Tights remain a problem for youngest but as I still struggle I will not hold it against her.

The little things have struck me for example they can both get into the bath without assistance. I can't quite believe that over 2 years has past since we met them and brought them home. Time really does fly when you are not looking and it seems like I have blinked and missed something, I am just not sure what. Crazy as it sounds we are onto round 3 for annual events - birthdays, etc and Christmas will be third time occasion when we get to it. This will be our third summer of camping fun as after that youngest will start in reception - her place was confirmed a few weeks ago.

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