Monday, October 3, 2011

Weight Loss

Whilst we are waiting for our preparation course I have been granted some time to take control of my weight to get a handle on it again.

I hate making these confessions as they make me feel awful but they have to be done:
current weight: 16stone 8lbs (ish)
current BMI: 37 and a bit
dress size: 20

This can not continue.

The last time I set out to loose weight I managed about 2 stone but what with the nightmares of the infertility treatments and then the added nightmare surround my miscarriage is all crept back on and brought with it some friends. I know that my BMI needs to be down under 30 for the medical world to not consider me massively overweight but that means a loss of 3 and half stone. I have been saying to myself 4 stone for so long that is seems to be the bet target to set myself. It would still put me in the over weight category but it has to be better than where I am at the moment. So, target 4 stone . . . .

And that takes time, effort and patience. It also takes motivation and support. I have asked for the latter 2 and received it is spades, something I am really grateful for. The first three are all sat on my own shoulders.

I have made the right steps - been the doctors and see the 'diet nurse' who weighed me and gave me advice. I get to keep going back to her for weigh ins every couple of weeks which means I have to do something. She has also asked me to keep a food diary which I have been doing for a few days and hope to continue it moving forwards as it shows me what I am eating and what exercise I am doing. At the moment I don't want to right the bad stuff in there so I am not eating - I never thought being made to write it down would be that much of an incentive.

My plan, in line with eating better, is also to increase my exercise which means more time and effort. So far I have decided to take advantage of my Wii and the fit board and the zumba workouts as both are things I can do in the privacy of my own home. I have also started making the effort to walk more - my husband kindly supporting me with 20 - 30 minutes every evening at a brisk walk around the village. In time my hope is that this might lead to running but that is something I am not planning on just yet.

On the plus side, I did make a start on this some time ago. When I got back on the Wii fit it told me off for not visiting for 54 days but it did then tell me that in those 54 days I had lost 5lbs so it is a good start and one I must continue.

Wish me luck.

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