Monday, November 14, 2011

World Prematurity Day 17 November

I do follow a couple of blogs written by ladies I have met in an online forum. One of those ladies, Kylie, writes the following blog - Not Even a Bag of Sugar about the birth and growth of her son. She has made the request that fellow bloggers write a post to raise awareness of premature births as well to understand better the issues that being born early comes with. I realise that this is a day early but I am off for a relaxing weekend tomorrow and will be nowhere near a computer to post this.

If I am honest I am finding starting this very difficult. Premature birth, like so many other things which come with being pregnant and giving birth is not something I ever thought I would have to worry about after we accepted that we would never have a birth child of our own but this does not mean that any child that we are lucky enough to welcome into our lives through the adoption route may not be affected by long term issues surrounding being born early. As such this brings into to focus how I can't be short sighted in the things I might need to know as I have no idea what eventuality I will end up making a reality.

As I often find that reading blogs, forums and other information about being pregnant, having and caring for babies and young children painful reminders of what I can't have I have often avoided them but never so with Kylie's blog. I find it very easy to read and the empathy with which she writes is very touching and she reminds me to look on the brighter side of life, no matter what the circumstances. I also admire the way in which she campaigns for greater awareness of the issues surround premature birth and I do wish her all the best with her efforts.

So, with my knowledge base on this issue being very limited and our future being so uncertain I think I might need to add this to the ever growing list of things that I should research.

I would like to finish this post with a thought and prayer for all babies born early and their families with the hope that they have the very best of care and will lead happy and healthy lives.

1 comment:

  1. Oh thank you so much, what a beautiful post.

    I'm in tears!

    Kylie x x x
