Monday, July 9, 2012

Feeding the ducks

Not too long past I spent the weekend camping next the edge of a beautiful river and as part of the fun some friends and I went to feed the ducks. It was great fun to stand on the river bank throwing bread for them and it got me thinking of the little things that I want to do when our family comes home. I decided to make myself a list to look at for hard days when my patience is wearing thin - days like today when I found out that 2 reference letters were missing, that our adoption agency has not paid for our medical reports so they are still at the doctors (after they told me they were missing) and that out approval panel might be put back by 3 weeks.

So my little things:
- bed time stories. I want to read my children 'The Tiger that Came for Tea', 'The Hungry Caterpillar' and all the other books I loved as a child
- hand print painting, I want pictures stuck on the fridge, hopefully so many the magnets can barely manage and it is a struggle to open the fridge door
- bath time with more bubbles than can fit in the bath, making 'spikey normans' out of hair and stopping only when there is more water on the bathroom floor than in the bath
- I want to stand on Lego/play mobile/barbies and complain my foot hurts
- bake cakes and get the mixture everywhere except in the oven

But more than anything else right now I want to take our children to feed those ducks.

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