Thursday, August 29, 2013

Out of ideas

With a little over a week until the children go back to school we have been trying to enjoy every single second whilst also battling that 'frazzled' feeling which comes of being tired and about out of ideas! It has been fun but I have to confess that I am starting to run out idea because I feel like I have gone through everything.

We seem to have gone everywhere as well - 4 mornings at holiday club, a dance class, toddler group plus local woods, gardens, nature reserves, the zoo, the beach and swimming - at our local pool as a leisure pool complete with pirate ship near my parents. The sad thought in the back of my mind is that next summer I will be back in work and will not have that much time to do so much with them but I do plan to treasure what time I will have.

Anyway, I have been working with our creative side - recent works of art we spent some time hunting round the garden for leaves, twigs, feather and flowers and then even longer sticking them onto a huge sheet of paper. We have also written letters, made cards, painted and coloured.

Our other big project was to finish some pots - a few old, washed plant pots covered in paper machie and then painted and covered in PVA. One will be used as a basket for a hot air balloon we are constructing and the others as general pots for stuff. We have already had hours of fun making them so I am pleased. I am just hoping that oldest small enjoys taking it to pre school to show his new class.

We do have another camping expedition before we return to school which I am really looking forward to although we have told the children that we are going we have not told them well in the hope that they get enough sleep to be in good moods for the journey. So far, so good . . . .

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