Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Another period of waiting

It seems to me like my life is separated out by periods of waiting. So far our journey towards adoption has included waiting for the initial visit, waiting for that report, waiting for the prep course, waiting for home study and then the appointments of it and now waiting for the report to be written ready for us to wait to go before the approval panel. Some of these waits have been longer than others and there were the waits before this process so in all I feel like I have been waiting for 4 years.

Waiting does seem to have gotten easier to manage. The ability to remain busy seems to be the 'armour' I protect myself with. The busier I am the quicker time flies past me and it also allows me a sense of achievement. In all my waiting I have achieve many things but my true goal, the light at the end of my tunnel, still seems as far away now as it was 4 years ago. I know we have have taken many steps towards it but having no time line for these things makes the tunnel seem endless.

This period of waiting was broken with my birthday - a occasion that I will remember forever. I have also been busy with projects of a crafting nature. I have made Christmas stockings, I have finished cross stitch projects (some of which have been outstanding for years!) and I have tried a couple of new things and enjoyed every single one of them. This is one of my proudest achievements - started in 2001 (I think) and now framed and displayed.

Today a friend also posted to her blog:
about remaining solution focused. She asked the following:
So, what positive change do you need to make? What would you like to fix and make better? Start by identifying the place you want to be, and then work out a plan, a route of how to get there. I know it is scary, but if you don't take that step you will never know how bright it is at your destination. Think about what you are doing and why you are doing it. Make that decision to change.
Which got me thinking. What positive changes do I need to make? Usually I would have said I need to learn patience. Today I have realised that I have actually learnt it. I know what I want. I know the path I need to follow and I walking it. I am walking it with every step being made carefully, with support and with a good idea of how bright my destination could be.
I have plenty of other things that need fixing, that need improving and that could be better so maybe it is time I started working on those and accepting that waiting is one I have mastered.

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