Saturday, January 12, 2013

Introductions - The Reality

Well, day 4 of introductions is complete and I am in my PJs wrapped in a blanket on my sofa and it is not even 8pm yet! I am shattered but the last 4 days have been amazing.

We started with the planning meeting and then went to meet the children - they were so sure of who we were from our family and the work that their foster carers have done to help prepare them. What was amazing was that they called us mummy and daddy from minute one - it feels so nice to be called mummy. It is a sound I thought I would never hear. Day 1 was just to observe tea time and then come home but our daughter was happy to give us kisses and cuddles to say goodbye - it took her brother until Day 3 to be happy to do that.

Day 2 was a longer day but we were also able to spend more time with the children and Day 3 we went to feed the ducks. We also got to take our son to the park to play before sitting and ready books. He also settled to watch a little TV but fell asleep in my arms. It looks like the Gruffalo is a big favourite along with dinosaurs.

Day 4, today, was the first time we took them out in our car. We took them to a tumbletots class and although we had tears from both - one because he was told off for running off (too many roads and cars and stuff) and the second for a trip and face plant ended in a skinned nose and lip but both times we managed and the children were happy to accept us as their care givers. The afternoon was more play, reading and a couple of meals. But the breakthrough today was that both children allowed me to do nappy changes. They are starting to be more comfortable with us as well as having more trust in us.

Thinking of meal times I have never met children who eat so well - they have great cutlery skills for their ages and are happy with finger foods but from what we have seen they eat everything and they love their fruit, especially blueberries and bananas. Tomorrow we are responsible for lunch out and we have plans for a soft play centre where there is a cafe so fingers crossed it goes well. The step after is for them to visit out home for the morning.

We are slowly, and with the children's knowledge, transitioning their things from their foster carer's home to ours starting with toys and a few bits of clothes as well as books and DVDs so their bedrooms are looking more and more like they could belong to them.


  1. Really glad to hear things are going well so far. It sounds like you're making good steady progress with them. All the best for when you bring them home, I look forward to hearing how they settle in. How old are they both, if you don't mind me asking? It sounds like they're both pre-school age?

  2. Thank you - they are nearly 2 and 3 and a bit s oboth pre school age.
