Thursday, January 24, 2013

Feeling Sad.

I know that I am tired - physically and mentally. But I am not sure whether I am being silly because a part of me is feeling sad. Sad, hurt, disappointed and a little bit angry. Nothing to do with the children but more about the way that their coming home has been recognised by the people around us.

I have lost count of the number of 'congratulations on your new baby' cards that I have lovingly made and sent to family and friends when they have welcomed a new life into their worlds and here we are, our children have been home a week and we have exactly 2 cards to commemorate the occasion. Both from friends.

A week later, maybe I am being silly but it has still left me feeling sad, angry and like our coming home wasn't as important as those for whom children came naturally. We have had a lot of messages online - mainly on facebook but, (and here I know that I am being silly) it takes little effort to do that and more effort to actually get a card and post it but I wanted the 'congratulations on your children' so I could share them with the children, to show them that our family and friends were welcoming them as we have and so I could save them for posterity.

I guess I was wrong. Welcoming children into your life is only a card sending occasion if you are pregnant with them and if you give birth to them. My mistake. I hope it is that otherwise we are surrounded by some very thoughtless people and I never thought that.

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