Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Philosophical Question

This morning I woke, after a lovely long sleep feeling very warm, safe and above all loved. It took me a minute to realise that I was surrounded - my snoring husband to one side, one cat curled up my my knee and the other cat curled up at my waist.

My next thought was - which one can I move so I can get out of bed and, do you know what? I couldn't decide! Daft as it sounds they were all so peaceful that I didn't have the heart to do it so had to lie there until the cat decided it was time to get up!

This was this morning but it does evidence the amount of space my 2 feline friends take up when they want to! I think this was taken at the point when my husband wanted to get in bed and couldn't.

I am pretty attached to them both which leads to my next question - how will they cope when are family expands? I have some thoughts based on how they behave when we have visitors but after they realise that those 'visitors' are staying they might change their behaviour. I can say with some certainty that I expect Marmite to be the adorable softy that he is and just to enjoy the new people to make a fuss of him. I have watched small children pull on his ears, tails and fur and he actually likes it. Yang on the other hand might be a bit different. I guess I will have to wait and see as I can't explain it to them, I can only remind them that they are important to me in the way cats understand - food and fuss.

So my question is -  what would you have done? Who would you have moved?


  1. Andrew, he doesn't scratch because you've woke him up and put him in a bad mood, a cat would.
