Monday, October 8, 2012

An Update

It has been a while since I have found something to blog about however life has been really busy and time since to have flown past since we went to our approval panel over a month ago. On one hand if feels like yesterday but on the other hand it feels like forever ago. Last week we saw our social worker to talk over the profiles we were given for 2 children and this week we are meeting with their social worker to pursue whether they could be a suitable match for us.

It is so very exciting and so far everything is looking very promising. So promising that I have allowed myself to start collecting a few little bits and pieces that could be suitable for any child that we adopt and not specifically these 2. So far I have a few books and  toys, a wooden height chart, a pair of monitors, a booster seat (to fit a dining chair so our child can sit to the table with us), a bath thermometer and some anti slip fish to go in the bath - it doesn't sound like much but if feels like so much to me. I have also found a wonderful second hand pushchair that will be perfect for what we need and hopefully if will suit the child.

I know that it is bad luck to have these things in the house this early but I think I have had my quota of bad luck for one life time so I am prepared to risk it. I refuse to by anything child specific at the moment but it is such a lovely feeling to think that every day we could be closer to bringing our children home.

After our appointment later this week my next event is the Great Eastern Fun Run next weekend and my Miscarriage Association t-shirt with bright blue tutu and leg warmers are ready to do - wish me luck!

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