Thursday, December 1, 2011

What am I doing wrong?

Last night was my weigh in at the doctors.

What a nightmare. When I went 6 weeks ago I was really disappointed that in my first 3 weeks I had managed to loss only 2lb but last night I was crushed to be told that in 6 weeks I had managed a loss of only 4lb. That is 6lb in 9 weeks and I am devastated with myself. All I can ask if how on earth, with all the effort I have put in, is that all I can manage.

I figured, calories counting to around 1200 - 1300 a day, weighing all my food portions plus more regular exercise (Monday to Friday I was doing 20 mins Zumba every morning plus walking and using my Wii fit at the weekend) as well as cutting down so a lot less alcohol, very few 'treats' and always trying to find a balance and still I feel like I have failed. My husband tried desperately to tell me that it was working because I can fit back into a size 18 trouser but that really doesn't matter when the medical will be looking at my BMI and 6lb doesn't even make a dent in it.

I have no motivation to carry on, it feels like I am punishing myself using food for absolutely nothing. I even asked the nurse for help - her answer was try slimming world! It has been a while since I have tried that hard to escape a medical appointment. A good cry later and the only answer I can come up with is to try something along the lines of Slim Fast or Lighter Life but the though doesn't appeal. These plans are expensive and high in lactose which doesn't sound pleasant for some one with a lactose intolerance but I can't help wondering if a few weeks of feeling not too good might be worth it if I can get a chunk of weight off me in time for the medical.

1 comment:

  1. I have replied elsewhere but here goes.

    To lose 2-3 lb a week you need to create a calorie defecit of 500 cals a day.

    Your defecit, if what you are saying is correct, is too much. Being bigger you require more calories, so if your defecit is too much your body holds on to its fat stores.

    You must stop hating yourself and beating yourself up. You must change your self talk.

    A healthy eating plan shouldn't make you feel deprived, it should energise you.

    You are not a bad person for being overweight, you are a good and kind, beautiful person and you CAN DO THIS!!!! You CAN.

    It won't be overnight. You didn't put the weight on overnight you will not lose it overnight.

    And 6lbs is fantastic!!!!!

    You must must must stop being negative!

    I have a lot to lose too, and every pound I celebrate. I am such a slow loser it is hard to keep motivated, but I do think if you look at your food choices, and get some support it will help.

    Can you join a gym? I've had fab support at ours in the past, a lot of trainers have very good nutrittion training.
